Civil Liberties ( Human Rights )

अस्माकं कार्याणि अस्मान्सावधीकरिष्यंति
Only Action Will Define Us

Civil Liberties ( Human Rights )

World Hindu Federation’s ( WHF ) human rights agenda is pursued primarily through calling attention to human rights issues of critical significance to the Hindu diaspora communities, i.e., by combating religious intolerance, torture, and discrimination (whether based on race, religion, sex, or other status), and preventing the indifference that can lead to extreme forms of expulsions, expropriation, forced conversions, denial of basic fundamental rights & genocide either sanctioned by organs of States or through Non-State actors. Reaching out to and developing relationships with various faith and interfaith groups has always been a part of WHF’s advocacy efforts. WHF works with these groupings on common issues such as religious freedom and hate speech.